Practicing Silence- a progressive practice for August
“Silence is God’s first language. Everything else is a poor translation. ”
Silence. How do you feel about it? How do you engage it? Does it intimidate you? Do you yearn for it and yet can’t seem to make a practice work? Do you struggle with what happens internally when you attempt to quiet your mind and spirit?
Silence, to be enjoyed, to be grounded, needs to be practiced. It can be easy to think, since everyday silence is actually an absence of sound rather than a presence of something tangible, that spiritual silence– silence in prayer– should be easy to achieve. We are too hard on ourselves; we don’t allow ourselves permission to be beginners. We assume we are failing if we can’t sit for twenty minutes or a half hour at a time right off the bat.
In the spiritual life, we are always beginners.
Does this resonate with you? Have you always wanted a practice of silence, meditation, centering prayer, and yet have had a hard time with this pursuit, coming away feeling depleted and frustrated rather than centered and full?
In August, join me and others in community as I guide you into a practice of silence. We will take each day and add one minute to our silence practice, building up to a practice of 30 minutes. Each week I will email some tips and encouragement, quotes to inspire, and concrete ways to engage with “God’s first language",” as Thomas Keating famously said.
Sign up below, and follow on Instagram (@shapingtheriver, #practicingsilenceaugust) to share in community.
I look forward to being together in the presence of God as we wade into quiet together.