spiritual companionship
we are meant to walk together
Spiritual direction is a deep companionship, a relationship of listening and gentle guidance, that allows space for exploration, questions, prayer in an atmosphere of non-judgment and compassion.
The spiritual companionship relationship is one in service to the wholeness of the seeker. My only desire as your companion is to fully attend to your life– joys and struggles, celebrations and griefs, relationships and circumstances– and let it sift through the experiences and discussions in our time together, knowing the Divine is always moving us toward fullness of being. The whole of life is open before this infinite and loving Presence and everything belongs.
“The present moment, the present set of circumstances, the present relationships in our lives - this is where God lives. This is where God meets us and gives us life. This is where spiritual direction occurs.”
The presence of the Holy within the session is understood and foundational, and we listen for the movement of God together. We will spend time with whatever is stirring within you on that particular day, and over time essential noticings and patterns may arise to sit with and explore. As a part of each session, which lasts roughly one hour and typically takes place once per month, we may spend time in silence, conversation, prayer, or creative activities. You may come away from our time with suggestions for further reading or practices to take back into your daily life.
While sharing physical space is certainly a gift, the Divine is not limited by proximity, and I also direct sessions over Zoom, Skype, or even email, though this is less common. If the fit is right, a way will present itself.
I offer an initial meeting at no cost, so that we can prayerfully discuss what you are seeking and how I might approach our sessions together. My fee is a sliding scale from $80 to $100 per session beyond this initial consultation. Directees pay an amount within this scale based on their financial ability. If this range doesn’t align with what you are able to offer, please let me know. My desire is to be present to all.
Questions we might address in a session include:
where are you feeling most alive in your relationship with Presence?
where do you feel most resistant or frustrated in your spiritual life?
how would you describe your prayer life? is there anything that’s missing?
what are the barriers you are currently struggling against?
what is God inviting you into? how can you respond?
“Beyond every answer waits a larger question,
and beyond every arrival waits an unforeseen beginning.”
Areas of special interest:
grief support
contemplative prayer
interspiritual and interfaith connection
navigating the spiritual journey and stages of faith
church wounds, challenges, and estrangement
the spirituality of aging
clergy and ministry staff
creativity and the arts
listening and discernment
body wisdom and focusing
“Christine’s guidance and deeply sensitive questions to sacred seeking of God’s work in our lives was a truly nourishing gift. The group’s cultivating in soil that was at times hard clay or raked over earth and other times freshly tilled and rich resulted in both new plantings and fresh growth for myself.”
“Christine is an excellent spiritual director! Her sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and wise insight combined to make this the highlight of the retreat for me.”